

C01 ポスドク Prapawadee Nutiprapunさんの自己紹介です。

  Hello, my name is Prapawadee Nutiprapun, also known as Golf. I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Laboratory of Forest Management at the University of Tokyo, supervised by Professor Akihiko Ito.

  Prior to my current role, I completed a double master’s degree in Tropical Forest at Kasetsart University under the supervision of Professor Dokrak Marod and in Forest and Biomaterials Science at Kyoto University under the supervision of Professor Mamoru Kanzaki. I then pursued a PhD in Biology and Geoscience at Osaka City University under the supervision of Professor Akira Itoh, where my dissertation focused on the abiotic and biotic factors affecting seedling dynamics in seasonal and non-seasonal tropical forests. My research found that El Niño-induced drought caused massive seedling mortality and recruitment in the Southeast Asian seasonally dry tropical forest.

  As a postdoctoral researcher in the Digital Biosphere project, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to conduct research, expand my research focus, and collaborate with many distinguished professors and researchers. My research interests lie in forest ecology, with a particular focus on seedling dynamics in response to changing environmental conditions. I am eager to study vegetation models and utilize them to develop seedling dynamics models that account for changing environments.

  I am grateful for the opportunity to join this project, and I look forward to learning from everyone and sharing my knowledge. I am excited to work with you all.